1. Program Selection
Please select the State Health-Care Program (or Programs) you will be enrolling in. You may select more than one option:
Note: Hospice, Medical Foods, and Medical Transportation Program providers must submit a paper application. For more information on enrolling as a Hospice or Medical Foods provider, click here. For more information on enrolling in the Medical Transporation Program, click here.
2. Entity Type Selection
Please select the entity type you will be enrolling as (click on each option below for a description of each entity type):
Select this type of enrollment if the licensure or certification applies to an entity. Although individuals working for or with the entity may be licensed or certified in their individual capacity, the enrollment is based on the licensure or certification of the entity or the supervising licensed practitioner who is assuming responsibility for the facility's operation. For this reason, facility enrollment does not require enrollment of performing providers.
To continue with this option, click here.
Select Group if your entity consists of one or more individual health-care providers who render services to clients. Groups enroll using the names and federal tax identification numbers of their legal entities. Group enrollments must include at least one associated performing provider.
To continue with this option, click here.
Select Performing Provider if you are an individual health-care provider who is licensed or certified in Texas and uses a group federal tax identification number. Services that are rendered by performing providers are reimbursed to their associated group.
To continue with this option, click here.
An individual is defined as a health-care provider who is licensed or certified in Texas and enrolls using their own name and Social Security Number. Individual providers use their own federal tax identification number or the federal tax identification number of their employer for their enrollment.
To select this option, click here.
To select this option, click here.