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NHSN POC Test Reporting Tool Defects and Changes to LTCF COVID-19 Module

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The National Healthcare Safety Network is letting users know about two defects in NHSN’s Point of Care Test Reporting Tool and their plans for resolution. Where available, a workaround is provided. You may use the workaround until a resolution is installed.

  1. Currently a defect may result in exclusion of staff POC data, from the analysis option “Line Listing-LTC Staff COVID-19 Testing.” The data is contained in the system. It can be seen in the Find Resident/Staff option when looking at the results individually. However, results may not show up in the staff line list. NHSN is working to fix the issue and expect a December 12 resolution.
  2. Intermittently, if the Test Date field is completed by typing in a date rather than using the calendar fill option, the system may present previously entered dates from which a selection may be made. If one of these is selected, there may be an inability to enter POC test results. To avoid this issue, use the calendar option to enter Test Date. We have not identified a date for resolution.

Updates have been made to the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module pathways, specifically the Resident Impact and Facility Capacity and Staff and Personnel Impact. Revised forms, form instructions, and CSV templates are available on the LTCF COVID-19 Module website.