Let us know if you think a doctor, pharmacist, other health-care provider or someone getting Medicaid is doing something wrong. Doing something wrong could be fraud, waste or abuse, which is against the law. For example, tell us if you think someone is:
- Getting paid for Medicaid services that weren’t given or necessary.
- Getting Medicaid services that aren’t approved.
- Not telling the truth about a medical condition to get medical treatment.
- Letting someone else use their Medicaid card.
- Using someone else’s Medicaid card.
- Not telling the truth about the amount of money or assets they have.
To report suspected Medicaid fraud or abuse, you can contact the Texas Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General through one of the following:
- Go to https://oig.hhs.texas.gov/report-fraud-waste-or-abuse Click on “Report Fraud.” Fill out the online form.
- Call 800‑436‑6184.
- Call 2-1-1, then pick option 3.
- Mail a letter to:
Office of Inspector General
PO Box 85200
Austin, TX 78708-5200