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Medicaid Managed Care

Last updated on

The majority of Texas Medicaid benefits are delivered through managed care organizations (MCOs) and dental maintenance organizations (DMOs) that are licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) and contracted by Texas Health and Human Services (HHS).

If you want to provide Medicaid and related services for an MCO or DMO, you must first enroll with Texas Medicaid before contracting with the MCO or DMO. You can enroll in Texas Medicaid through Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS). You can find enrollment information and resources on the Provider Enrollment page.

You can refer to the managed care sections of the HHS Medicaid and CHIP website for all other information about Medicaid managed care.

Note: MCO and DMO providers should refer all other questions to their MCO or DMO.

Helpful Links

To learn more, see the following websites and resources: