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Hurricanes Delta and Laura Information for Medicaid Providers

Last updated on

Texas providers rendering services to evacuees from Louisiana due to Hurricanes Delta and Laura may complete the Hurricane Emergency Expedited Application with Louisiana Medicaid to receive reimbursement for services rendered to Louisiana Medicaid clients for the fee-for-service program.

If providing care to a Louisiana managed care enrollee, providers will need to contact the clients’ managed care organization (MCO) to be reimbursed for services provided. Refer to the Healthy Louisiana Hurricanes Delta and Laura Provider Assistance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for MCO credentialing contact information.

Answers 1, 2, and 8 of the Louisiana FAQ are specific to enrollment and eligibility verification:

Louisiana Department of Health Informational Bulletin 20-17 Revised October 8, 2020: Hurricanes Delta and Laura Provider Assistance FAQs

Louisiana Medicaid Resources

For more information, call the TMHP Contact Center at 800-925-9126.