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HHSC Publishes Guidance for FMSAs and CDS Employers for COVID-19 (IL 2021-54)

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The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has published IL 2021-54 (PDF).

This is a revision to Information Letter 2021-17, first published on February 26, 2021.

It provides guidance about the permanent option to allow for virtual (i.e., audio-visual) consumer-directed services (CDS) employer orientations and to no longer allow audio-only CDS employer orientations.

Financial management services agencies (FMSAs), CDS employers, and designated representatives (DR) must follow state and federal laws, rules, regulations, and policy letters on Medicaid services.

HHSC reminds CDS employers and DRs that a service backup plan is required and should be in place.

Email questions to CDS.