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CIMS Now Live

Last updated on

HHSC announces the new Critical Incident Management System is now live. CIMS is a statewide tool for reporting critical incidents.

See IL 2022-23 for more information about CIMS.

This alert applies to:

  • Community Living Assistance and Support Services providers
  • Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities providers
  • CLASS case management agencies
  • Home and Community-based Services providers
  • Texas Home Living providers
  • Local intellectual and developmental disability authorities


The provider administrator with the active user account created in CIMS is required to complete the training in the system. Once the provider administrator completes the training, provider administrators can begin adding new users to their organization and reassigning roles so other members of the organization can enter critical incidents into CIMS.

If the designated provider administrator still works for an organization, HHSC will not change the designated administrator for a provider organization. If the designated provider administrator no longer works for the organization, HHSC will work with the current designated employee to ensure that person is added as a user in CIMS. HHSC staff must verify the employee requesting CIMS access works for a contracted provider or a local intellectual and developmental disability authority before access can be granted.

Now that CIMS has gone live, providers can no longer change contact information in CARE or send provider administrator contact updates to HHSC if the provider administrator is employed with the organization.

All providers must begin entering critical incidents into CIMS no later than Nov. 1.

Providers are required to use current systems for entering critical incidents until they have completed CIMS registration and training and begin entering critical incidents into CIMS.

Email questions to the MCS-CIMS inbox.