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LTC Online Portal to Allow Electronic Attachments on HCS and TxHmL Waiver Program Forms

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Beginning July 3, 2023, the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Long-Term Care Online Portal (LTCOP) will allow providers and local intellectual and developmental disability authorities (LIDDAs) to upload electronic attachments to the following forms for Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) waiver programs:

  • HCS or TxHmL Pre-enrollment
  • 8578 Intellectual Disability Related Condition (ID/RC) Assessment
  • 3608 Individual Plan of Care (IPC)
  • 8582 IPC
  • 3615 Request to Continue Suspension of Waiver Program Services
  • 3616 Request for Termination of Waiver Program Services
  • Provider Location Update (PLU)

This enhancement will allow users to submit documents on a single platform, which will expedite the review process.

“Upload Attachments” Section

The above LTCOP HCS and TxHmL forms will be modified to include an “Upload Attachments” section where users can upload, download, and delete attachments. The system will track the date and time, username, and file name when an attachment is uploaded or deleted.

 New and Existing Form Submissions

These LTCOP changes will apply only to new form submissions. Attachments must not be added through the LTCOP to any form with an original submission date prior to July 3, 2023. For these existing forms, providers and LIDDAs must continue submitting supporting documents through the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Operations Portal or the submission method in place at the time of the original form submission.

Note: LIDDAs will receive a separate notice from HHSC IDD Services with instructions for HCS or TxHmL Pre-enrollment form attachments.

Attachment Limitations

The following limitations will apply when submitting attachments:

  • Uploads will be limited to a maximum of ten files at a time. If more than ten files must be uploaded, users can upload the first ten files and then upload the additional files (up to ten at a time).
  • The maximum size for each attachment will be 10 megabytes (MB). If an attachment that is larger than 10 MB should be submitted, the attachment must be split into separate files that are smaller than 10 MB and submitted as multiple attachments.
  • Attachments will be limited to the following file types: PDF, JPG, TIF, PNG, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, and RTF. Other file types must be converted to an acceptable file type before uploading the attachment.

For assistance with any LTCOP questions, contact the TMHP LTC Help Desk at 800-626-4117 (select option 1 and then option 7).

For questions about HCS program policy, email

For questions about TxHmL program policy, email