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Publication of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Proposed Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Rules

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The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has published proposed revisions to the EVV TAC rules in the Texas Register and will be accepting public comments until Oct. 9, 2023. EVV Operations encourages program providers, financial management services agencies (FMSAs), Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers, members who receive EVV required services, and other interested parties to review the proposed revisions and provide comments. The EVV TAC rules are proposed to be adopted effective Jan. 1, 2024.

Please ensure your comments are received by the deadline so that HHSC may consider them when developing the final EVV TAC rules. There are three options for submitting comments:

  • Via email to EVV Operations with “Comments on EVV TAC Rules” as the subject of the email.
  • In writing to Sarah Hambrick, EVV Operations Policy Specialist, P.O. Box 13247, Mail Code W-465, Austin, Texas 78711-3247.
  • Hand-delivered to Sarah Hambrick, EVV Operations Policy Specialist, 701 W 51st St, Mail Code W-465, Austin, Texas, 78751-2312.

Email questions to EVV Operations regarding the proposed TAC rules with “Questions on EVV TAC Rules” as the subject of the email so that your questions may be answered in time for you to provide comment if you choose.