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2024 Awarded Levels for the Attendant Compensation and Direct Care Staff Enhancement Programs

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The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) announces the publication of the awarded levels for Long-term Services and Supports (LTSS) providers participating in the Attendant Compensation and Direct Care Staff Enhancement programs for state fiscal year (FY) 2024 for the programs listed below.

Attendant Compensation Rate Enhancement Program for:

  • Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) – Direct Service Agency (DSA)
  • Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS)
  • Deaf-Blind with Multiple Disabilities Waiver (DBMD)
  • Home and Community-based Services (HCS)
  • Primary Home Care (PHC)
  • Residential Care (RC)
  • Texas Home Living (TxHmL)
  • Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICF/IID)

Direct Care Staff Enhancement Program for:

  • Nursing Facilities (NF)

Upon implementation of the rate enhancements associated with the FY2024 awarded levels into the Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership Claims Management System, if your awarded enhancement level is different from your current enhancement level, a retroactive rate adjustment for paid claims with dates of service beginning Sept. 1, 2023, will automatically occur. HHSC Provider Finance Department (PFD) is continuously processing new providers, terminations, and changes of ownership. We will continue to update these requests monthly.

Providers who participate in these optional programs must be contracted with HHSC. Open enrollment occurred in July 2023, pursuant to the Texas Administrative Code. Providers requesting to increase their enhancement participation level were awarded enhancements within the scope of appropriations for this purpose. Participating providers in state fiscal year 2023 that did not submit an Enrollment Contract Amendment and did not have an imposed limitation will maintain the previous year’s enrollment status.

To view the FY2024 enrollment awarded levels list, please visit the PFD website. If you have questions regarding your FY2024 enrollment status, please email the LTSS Center for Information and Training (CIT) or call (737) 867-7817.