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Changes to LTC Online Portal MDS 3.0 Available on the LTC Online Portal April 1, 2024

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The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services deployed changes to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0, effective on October 1, 2023. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) worked with the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) to enable systems to intake and store these changes prior to the effective date.

Updates to the Long-Term Care (LTC) Online Portal to display the relevant revisions of the MDS 3.0 Comprehensive and Quarterly assessments with an Assessment Reference Date (ARD, A2300) of October 1, 2023, or later, will be available April 1, 2024. Updated versions of the viewable and printable PDFs will also be available April 1, 2024.

This use of the ARD does not alter the HHSC-LTC use of the Entry Date (A1600) as the effective date of MDS 3.0 Admission assessments, and the Date Signed as Complete (Z0500b) as the effective date of all other MDS 3.0 assessments.

Items required for calculating the Resource Utilization Group (RUG) remain present on the LTC Online Portal in Section RUG.

The following MDS 3.0 Comprehensive and Quarterly assessment fields will be added, deleted, or modified:

New ItemsModified ItemsDeleted Items
Section A
A1005, A1010, A1110, A1250, A1805, A2105, A2121, A2122, A2123, and A2124 A0300A, A1000, A1100, A1800, and A2100
Section B
Section C
  C0900D and C1310
Section D
D0150, D0160, D0700D0100, D0500, D0500F, and D0500HD0200, D0300
Section F
Section G
  G0110, G0120, G0300, G0400, G0600, and G0900
Section J
J0410, J0510, J0520, and J0530J0300, J0700, and J2800J0400, J0500A, J0500B, and J0600
Section K
Section N
Section O
O0110O0400 and O0420O0100, O0600, and O0700
Section Q
Q0110, Q0310A, Q0310B, Q0500C, Q0550C, Q0610, and Q0620Q0400, Q0490, Q0500B, Q0550A, and Q0550BQ0100A, Q0100B, Q0100C, Q0300A, Q0300B, and Q0600
Section V
Section X

For more information, call the LTC Help Desk at 1-800-626-4117, option 1.