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Effective for dates of service on or after October 1, 2022, School Health and Related Services (SHARS) benefits will change for Texas Medicaid.
Overview of Benefit Changes
Major changes to this medical benefit include the following:
- Clarification relating to parental consent
- Audiology benefits for students under a Section 504 plan
- New psychotherapy benefits
- Updated information for telehealth services, including the addition of telemedicine services
- Updates to procedure code limitations
- Clarification for other SHARS services
Clarification Relating to Parental Consent
In accordance with 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §300.154, 1 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §354.1342, and the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), local education agencies (LEAs) are required to obtain parental consent prior to disclosing personally identifiable student information maintained in a student’s education record; LEAs are also required to obtain parental consent for Medicaid-enrolled students prior to billing Medicaid for SHARS services prescribed in the Medicaid-enrolled student’s individualized education program or Section 504 Plan.
Audiology Services Provided Under Section 504 Plans
Note: Implementation is pending the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approval. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is requesting an October 1, 2022, effective date. In the event of delayed CMS approval, HHSC will issue an updated notice to SHARS providers with additional information.
As approved by CMS, SHARS may include audiology evaluation and management services provided to eligible students under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Medicaid-enrolled students must meet all eligibility requirements listed in the current Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM), School Health and Related Services (SHARS) Handbook, and have one of the following:
- A written Section 504 plan, documenting disability and medical necessity
- A referral for audiology evaluation and management services
A Section 504 plan is mandated by 29 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 794, regulated by 34 CFR §104, and developed by the school, in conjunction with the parents or guardians, teachers, and school administration. The plan must include evaluation data along with placement information regarding the type of services the student needs.
Evaluation under a Section 504 plan may be conducted using the same process to evaluate the needs of students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). If school districts choose to adopt a separate process for evaluating students under a Section 504 plan, 34 CFR §104.35 must be followed.
Refer to the current TMPPM, School Health and Related Services (SHARS) Handbook, subsection 2.4, “Documentation Requirements,” for additional information about service log documentation requirements for services prescribed in the student’s Section 504 Plan.
The SHARS program will not reimburse providers for services under a Section 504 plan beyond audiology evaluation and management services.
The following modifiers must be used when submitting claims for audiology evaluation and management services:
- TM – To be used for audiology evaluation and management services provided to students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- U4 – To be used for audiology evaluation and management services provided to students with a Section 504 plan
Psychotherapy Benefits
Individual psychotherapy is therapy that focuses on a single person.
The following individual psychotherapy services, which will be limited to two per day for the same provider, will be a SHARS benefit:
Procedure Code |
Unit of Service |
Provider Type |
90832 with modifier AH |
30 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, licensed specialist in school psychology (LSSP) |
90832 with modifier UB |
30 minutes |
Licensed professional counselor (LPC), licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) |
90834 with modifier AH |
45 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90834 with modifier UB |
45 minutes |
90837 with modifier AH |
60 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90837 with modifier UB |
60 minutes |
Only one procedure code (either 90832, 90834, or 90837) may be reimbursed per day.
Group psychotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves one or more therapists working with several persons at the same time.
The following group psychotherapy services, which will be limited to one per day for the same provider, will be a SHARS benefit:
Procedure Code |
Unit of Service |
Provider Type |
90853 with modifier AH |
Untimed |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90853 with modifier UB |
Untimed |
Procedure codes 90832, 90834, and 90837 will be denied if submitted on the same day as procedure code 90853.
Telehealth and Telemedicine Services
Telemedicine and telehealth services have the meaning assigned by Texas Occupations Code §111.001 and must be provided in compliance with standards established by the respective licensing or certifying board of the professional providing the service.
Schools that participate in the SHARS program may be reimbursed for telehealth or telemedicine physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), speech therapy (ST), counseling, psychological, or physician services delivered to children in school-based settings or while receiving remote instruction. Remote instruction is defined according to requirements set forth by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and includes technology-based learning in home or community-based settings.
Services Provided Through Synchronous Audiovisual Technology
PT, OT, ST, counseling, psychological, or physician services provided by school districts through SHARS, using telehealth or telemedicine, can be delivered during school hours with synchronous audiovisual technologies. Synchronous audiovisual technology is an interactive, two-way audio and video telecommunications platform that meets the privacy requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
The following procedure codes may be provided as telehealth or telemedicine services via synchronous audiovisual technology to clients eligible through SHARS, if clinically appropriate (as determined by the treating provider), safe, and agreed to by the client receiving services:
Procedure Code |
Individual or Group |
Unit of Service |
Provider Type |
90832 with modifier AH |
Individual |
30 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90832 with modifier UB |
Individual |
30 minutes |
90834 with modifier AH |
Individual |
45 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90834 with modifier UB |
Individual |
45 minutes |
90837 with modifier AH |
Individual |
60 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90837 with modifier UB |
Individual |
60 minutes |
90853 with modifier AH |
Group |
Untimed |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90853 with modifier UB |
Group |
Untimed |
92507 with modifier GN and U1 |
Individual |
Untimed |
Licensed speech assistant |
92507 with modifier GN and U8 |
Individual |
Untimed |
Licensed speech therapist |
92508 with modifier GN and U1 |
Group |
Untimed |
Licensed speech assistant |
92508 with modifier GN and U8 |
Group |
Untimed |
Licensed speech therapist |
96158 with modifier AH |
Individual |
30 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
96158 with modifier UB |
Individual |
30 minutes |
96159 with modifier AH |
Individual |
15 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
96159 with modifier UB |
Individual |
15 minutes |
96164 with modifier AH |
Group |
30 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
96164 with modifier UB |
Group |
30 minutes |
96165 with modifier AH |
Group |
15 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
96165 with modifier UB |
Group |
15 minutes |
97110 with modifier GP |
Individual |
15 minutes |
Licensed physical therapist |
97110 with modifier GP and U1 |
Individual |
15 minutes |
Licensed physical therapy assistant |
97530 with modifier GO |
Individual |
15 minutes |
Licensed occupational therapist |
97530 with modifier GO and U1 |
Individual |
15 minutes |
Licensed occupational therapy assistant |
Procedure Code |
Individual or Group |
Provider Type |
92521, 92522, 92523, or 92524 with modifier GN |
Individual |
Licensed speech therapist |
97150 with modifier GO |
Group |
Licensed occupational therapist |
97150 with modifier GO and U1 |
Group |
Licensed occupational therapy assistant |
97150 with modifier GP |
Group |
Licensed physical therapist |
97150 with modifier GP and U1 |
Group |
Licensed physical therapy assistant |
97161 (low), 97162 (medium), and 97163 (high) |
Individual |
Licensed physical therapist |
97165 (low), 97166 (medium), and 97167 (high) |
Individual |
Licensed occupational therapist |
99499 |
Individual |
Physician |
Services provided through synchronous audiovisual technology must be billed with modifier 95.
Services Provided Through Synchronous Audio-Only Technology
Counseling or psychological services provided by school districts through SHARS, using telehealth or telemedicine, can also be delivered during school hours via synchronous telephone (audio-only) technologies. Synchronous telephone (audio-only) technology is an interactive, two-way audio telecommunications platform, including the use of telephonic communication that uses only sound and meets the privacy requirements of HIPAA.
The following procedure codes may be provided as telehealth or telemedicine services via synchronous telephone (audio-only) technology to clients eligible through SHARS with whom the treating provider has an “established relationship,” if clinically appropriate (as determined by the treating provider), safe, and agreed to by the client receiving services:
Procedure Code |
Individual or Group |
Unit of Service |
Provider Type |
90832 with modifier AH |
Individual |
30 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90832 with modifier UB |
Individual |
30 minutes |
90834 with modifier AH |
Individual |
45 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90834 with modifier UB |
Individual |
45 minutes |
90837 with modifier AH |
Individual |
60 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90837 with modifier UB |
Individual |
60 minutes |
90853 with modifier AH |
Group |
Untimed |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
90853 with modifier UB |
Group |
Untimed |
96158 with modifier AH |
Individual |
30 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
96158 with modifier UB |
Individual |
30 minutes |
96159 with modifier AH |
Individual |
15 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
96159 with modifier UB |
Individual |
15 minutes |
96164 with modifier AH |
Group |
30 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
96164 with modifier UB |
Group |
30 minutes |
96165 with modifier AH |
Group |
15 minutes |
Licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, LSSP |
96165 with modifier UB |
Group |
15 minutes |
Services provided through synchronous telephone (audio-only) technology must be billed with modifier 93.
Note: Information about policy restrictions for services delivered by synchronous telephone (audio-only) technologies will be published in the September 2022 Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Telecommunication Services Handbook.
Whenever possible, HHSC encourages the use of synchronous audio-visual technology instead of telephone (audio-only) delivery of telehealth and telemedicine services. If services are delivered by synchronous telephone (audio-only) technology, providers must document in the client’s medical record the reasons why a synchronous audio-visual platform was not used.
Guidelines for Telehealth and Telemedicine Services
Reimbursement for providers is only available when the patient site is a school, home, or community-based setting, and the distant site is a school or office-based setting. A telehealth or telemedicine visit may not be conducted if the provider and student are both physically located at the same school at the time the services are rendered.
Providers must defer to the needs of the client receiving services, allowing the mode of service delivery (synchronous audiovisual, synchronous telephone [audio-only], or in-person) to be accessible. Providers should obtain informed consent for treatment from the client’s parent or legal guardian and the client before rendering a telehealth or telemedicine service. Verbal consent is permissible and should be documented in the client’s medical record.
Refer to the current Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Telecommunication Services Handbook, for additional information about informed consent for telehealth and telemedicine services.
Services delivered by synchronous audiovisual or synchronous telephone (audio-only) technology may require the participation of a parent or caregiver to assist with the treatment.
All other reimbursement and billing guidelines that are applicable to in-person services will also apply when PT, OT, ST, counseling, psychological, or physician services are delivered as telehealth or telemedicine services.
Telehealth and telemedicine services must adhere to documentation, privacy, and security requirements as outlined in this article and the current Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Telecommunication Services Handbook.
Note: During a declaration of a state of disaster, HHSC may issue direction to providers regarding the use of a telemedicine or telehealth service to include the use of a synchronous telephone (audio-only) platform to provide covered services outside of the allowances described in this article to the extent permitted by Texas law. A declaration of a state of disaster is when an executive order or proclamation is issued by the governor declaring a state of disaster in accordance with Section 418.014 of the Texas Government Code.
Limitation Updates
Procedure codes 92507 and 92508 will be limited to one per day for the same provider.
Comprehensive audiometry (procedure code 92557) will be limited to one per day for the same provider. This service includes testing of both ears. Audiologists must use modifier 52, reduced services, if a test is applied to one ear instead of both.
Procedure codes 96158, 96159, 96164, and 96165 will be limited to a total of three units (one hour) per day for the same provider (cumulative between codes - initial code plus two additional 15 minutes).
Speech and Language Services
The following providers, who must be licensed in the state of Texas, may provide speech and language services:
- Qualified speech-language pathologist (SLP)
- Licensed SLP intern
- Licensed assistant in speech-language pathology acting under the supervision and direction of a licensed SLP
Personal Care Services
Personal care services must be medically necessary and must not be delivered solely for the purpose of education with classes such as Reading, English, Language Arts, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Functional Curriculum, or Electives.
For more information, call the TMHP Contact Center at 800-925-9126.