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EVV Portal Updates and Reminder for Required Training

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On September 7, 2023, the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) made updates to the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Portal computer-based training (CBT) materials in the TMHP Learning Management System (LMS).

EVV CBT Updates

The EVV CBT modules listed below were recently updated:

  • EVV CBT Module 2: Researching, Selecting, and Onboarding with an EVV System
  • This CBT module has updated information about researching, selecting, and onboarding with the new state-approved EVV vendor, HHAeXchange (HHAX), and the new method of submitting an EVV Proprietary System Request Form in the EVV Portal.
  • EVV CBT Module 4: EVV Portal
  • This CBT module has updated information on the new method of submitting and managing EVV Proprietary System Request Forms in the EVV Portal.

For more information on the state-approved EVV vendor, HHAeXchange, refer to the TMHP EVV Vendor web page.

For questions about the EVV Proprietary System Request Form, email

For questions about business rules and requirements, email the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) at

Required EVV Portal Training Reminder

Program providers and financial management services agencies (FMSAs) that are new to EVV must complete the required EVV portal training. Existing EVV users who have not yet met EVV annual training requirements must also complete this training.

For more information on EVV training requirements, refer to the EVV Training Requirements Checklists found on the HHSC EVV web page.

To access the required EVV portal training, use the following steps:

  1. Log into the TMHP LMS.
  2. Go to the EVV Training Learning Path.
  3. Go to the Required EVV Training section, and click TMHP EVV CBT.
  4. Complete all modules to receive your certificate of completion.

A username and password are required to access the TMHP LMS. To create an account, visit the TMHP LMS New User Registration web page.

Email TMHP LMS Support for issues with accessing the LMS.