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Deficiency Help

Last updated on

Have you received notification of deficiencies on your application?

Select the Application Type from the left navigation menu.

Log into your Provider Management Dashboard.

In My Account, under the Manage Provider Accounts section, Log in to Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) on

Navigate to the Requests Dashboard.

Enter your NPI and hit enter or click the Search icon.

Once the results are returned, locate the Request Number associated to your request which is listed as PEMS ID in the Deficiency Notification.

Click the ellipsis [...] and then Open to access the corresponding PEMS maintenance request.

Once the results are returned, locate the Request Number associated to your maintenance request which is listed as PEMS ID in the Deficiency Notification. 

Click the Ellipsis [...] and then Open to access the corresponding PEMS maintenance request. 

Deficient pages are identified by a red “!” on the Left Navigation Pane.

Use the Left Navigation Pane to navigate the PEMS User Interface. Use the Right Navigation Pane to see your application's deficiencies on subpages.

Deficient subpages are identified by sections highlighted in red.

Click the ellipsis [...] and then Open to access the subpages.

Select the appropriate page or subpage; review each item with a status of Deficient within the Deficiencies for this Section pane on the right-hand side of the page or subpage within the request.

Make applicable corrections in PEMS.

Select Edit next to the deficiency.

 The Edit Deficiency modal will open.

Select the appropriate response from the Deficiency Status drop-down menu.

Corrections Made – acknowledgment of the corrections made.

Explanation provided – explanation provided for the deficiency issue.

Example: Corrections were made to a different field that resolves the deficiency.

  If the Deficiency Status you selected is Explanation Provided, provide a detailed explanation regarding how the deficiency was  resolved in the Deficiency Clarification Notes.

Click OK to save the status change or Cancel to return to the page without saving.

 Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each deficiency.

Once all deficiencies have been corrected or explanation has been provided, go to the Agreement page and click on Submit to submit your responses.

Once you submit your application, you will not be able to make any additional edits.

This page is not applicable for Performing Provider enrollments. Please continue to the next page.

Have you received notification of deficiencies on your application?

Log into your Provider Management Dashboard.

In My Account, under the Manage Provider Accounts section, Log in to Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) on

Navigate to the Requests Dashboard.

Enter your NPI and hit enter or click the Search icon.

Once the results are returned, locate the Request Number associated to your request which is listed as PEMS ID in the Deficiency Notification.

Click the ellipsis [...] and then Open to access the corresponding PEMS maintenance request.

Deficient pages are identified by a red “!” on the Left Navigation Pane.

Use the Left Navigation Pane to navigate the PEMS User Interface. Use the Right Navigation Pane to see your application's deficiencies on subpages.

Deficient subpages are identified by sections highlighted in red.

Click the ellipsis [...] and then Open to access the subpages.

Select the appropriate page or subpage; review each item with a status of Deficient within the Deficiencies for this Section pane on the right-hand side of the page or subpage within the request.

Make applicable corrections in PEMS.

Select Edit next to the deficiency.

 The Edit Deficiency modal will open.

Select the appropriate response from the Deficiency Status drop-down menu.

Corrections Made – acknowledgment of the corrections made.

Explanation provided – explanation provided for the deficiency issue.

Example: Corrections were made to a different field that resolves the deficiency.

  If the Deficiency Status you selected is Explanation Provided, provide a detailed explanation regarding how the deficiency was  resolved in the Deficiency Clarification Notes.

Click OK to save the status change or Cancel to return to the page without saving.

 Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each deficiency.

Once all deficiencies have been corrected or explanation has been provided, go to the Agreement page and click on Submit to submit your responses.

Once you submit your application, you will not be able to make any additional edits.