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National Provider Identifier (NPI) Taxonomy Information

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Instructions for Reviewing the NPI Taxonomy Information Section

Select the Application Type from the left navigation menu.

The Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) accesses National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) public data in real time through the NPPES Application Programming Interface (API) or through the NPI Downloadable File when the NPPES API is not available.  

Review NPI Information for Accuracy

The following data elements are retrieved and displayed for review and confirmation.


NPI Number

NPI Type

Sole Proprietor Designation

NPPES Status


Note: The NPI Registry API and the downloadable files will contain data from the NPPES as reported to NPPES by you, or by someone acting on your behalf, or by an organization provider's Authorized Official. If the downloadable file or NPI Registry API reflects information that is incorrect, correct your information at the NPPES Site.

If the "Name" and "NPI information does not populate, press the Refresh Information button to sync the NPPES download file and populate the information.
If the "Name" and "NPI information does not populate, press the Refresh Information button at the top right to sync the NPPES download file and populate the information.

Review Taxonomy Information for Accuracy

TMHP has created a crosswalk of taxonomy codes that links the types of providers who are eligible to apply for enrollment in Texas Medicaid and other state healthcare programs with the appropriate Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Codes.

TMHP has created a crosswalk of taxonomy codes that links the types of providers who are eligible to apply for enrollment in Texas Medicaid and other state healthcare programs with the appropriate Eligible Texas Taxonomy Codes.

All taxonomy codes to which the provider has attested with NPPES will be listed as either "Eligible Texas Taxonomies" or "Ineligible Texas Taxonomies" for enrollment in Texas Medicaid and other state healthcare programs.

Note: If you do not see the taxonomy code that you would like to use for enrollment in the "eligible" or "ineligible" lists, update your taxonomy codes at the  NPPES Site.

Note: If you do not see the taxonomy code that you would like to use for enrollment in the "eligible" or "ineligible" lists, update your taxonomy codes at the NPPES Site. (Only eligible Texas taxonomy codes are considered for enrollment in Texas Medicaid and other state healthcare programs)

If corrections or updates have been made in the NPPES Site , allow 24 hours for the updates to be reflected in PEMS.  After the time has passed, click Refresh Information to sync the NPPES download file and populate the information.

If NPI and taxonomy information is accurate, click Save.

Access the left navigation and select the next available page to continue entering your application.

Refresh Information- Please select the Refresh Information button at the top right of the NPI Taxonomy page. This will refresh the NPI your provider has attested to with NPPES.