Since May 2, 2022, Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program providers, local intellectual and developmental disability authorities (LIDDAs), and financial management services agencies (FMSAs) billing on behalf of consumer-directed services (CDS) have been submitting claims and forms to the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP). TMHP has received feedback from providers and LIDDAs indicating that additional support is required. Resolutions regarding the most frequently reported issues are presented in the table below.
Topic |
Resolution |
Billable Units on IPC Forms Can Be Adjusted for Leap Years |
Individual Plan of Care (IPC) forms are now adjustable for leap years. Previously, IPC forms only allowed entry of 365 units when billing annually for daily services such as residential support services (RSS), supported living (SL), and host home/companion care (HH/CC). This adjustment allows for 366 units to be entered when a leap day (February 29) occurs. |
Service Components Limited to Billing One Unit of Service Per Day |
Providers are reminded that, per HCS and TxHmL program billing requirements, service components such as day habilitation (service code 10C) are limited to billing for one unit of service per one day. If the daily unit is split between multiple attendants, the Line Item Control Number (LICN) can be used to separate the attendants. When using the LICN for this purpose, it is extremely important that the submitter does not accidentally bill for more than one total unit per day, as this can lead to overbilling and running out of authorized units before the end of the authorization. If this type of overbilling occurs, then multiple adjustments to previously paid claims may be required to correct the number of units that are available for billing. Refer to the HCS and TxHmL Bill Code Crosswalk for information on how to use the LICN for Day Habilitation. |
IMT Suspension Reasons for Temporary Discharge Request |
“Vacation/furlough” is no longer a reason to suspend an individual from the HCS or TxHmL program. Individuals can continue to receive services when they are not in their residence. The program rules also allow the provider to bill for residential services for up to 14 consecutive days when the individual is on leave with a family member or friend. The Individual Movement (IMT) suspension reasons are: · Hospital · Residential facility operated by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, jail, or prison · Nursing facility · Intermediate care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities (ICF/ID) · Assisted living facility · Residential childcare facility licensed by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) unless it is an agency foster home · Inpatient chemical dependency treatment facility · Residential facility operated by the Texas Workforce Commission · Mental health facility |
Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) Revalidation |
All HCS and TxHmL program providers currently enrolled in PEMS will be required to revalidate their enrollment every three years. Providers can find the effective dates of their enrollment period within PEMS and on their provider welcome letter. Providers should submit their revalidation application at least 90 days before the end of their enrollment period so that it can be processed before the enrollment period ends. If the provider’s enrollment period ends before the provider completes the revalidation process, there will be a gap in the provider’s Medicaid enrollment. The provider will not be reimbursed for services rendered from the day after the enrollment period ends until the day that the provider successfully completes the revalidation process. More information can be found on the TMHP Provider Enrollment page and in the Revalidation module of the PEMS computer-based training. |
View previous postings below:
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 18
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 17
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 16
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 15
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 14
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 13
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 12
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 11
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 10
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 9
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 8
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 7
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 6
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 5
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 4
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 3
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support, Volume 2
HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs: Trending Issue Support
Important Claims Submission Information for HCS and TxHmL Programs
LTC Online Portal Dashboard Accessibility Issue Resolved
IPC Forms 3608 and 8582 Issue Resolved
HCS and TxHmL FAQ Updates Available May 9, 2022, and May 23, 2022
Individual Plan of Care (IPC) Training Materials for HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs
Now Available: HCS and TxHmL Programs Forms and Claims Submissions to TMHP
EVV Updates for the HCS and TxHmL Transition to TMHP for Claims Submission
For assistance with any further questions, contact the TMHP LTC Help Desk at 800-626-4117 (select option 1 and then option 7).