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Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) electronically verifies that service visits occur and documents the date and time service delivery begins and ends.

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EVV Aggregator and EVV Portal

Last updated on

EVV Aggregator

The Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Aggregator is a centralized database that collects, validates, and stores statewide EVV visit data transmitted by an EVV system. The EVV Aggregator provides validated provider contract or enrollment data to EVV vendors, accepts or rejects confirmed EVV visit transactions using standardized validation edits and returns results to EVV vendors, and stores all accepted and rejected EVV visit transactions. The EVV Aggregator matches EVV claim line items to accepted EVV visit transactions in the EVV Aggregator and sends matching results to the appropriate payer for EVV claims processing.

Benefits of the EVV Aggregator

The EVV Aggregator improves data quality with standardized validations against state data.

  •  It reduces the need for manual entry, decreasing data element errors on visit transactions.
  •  Consistent visit data validation will be performed on all EVV visit transactions.

EVV claims matching is standardized.

  • The same critical data elements will be used for EVV claims matching for all EVV payers.

The EVV Aggregator stores accepted and rejected EVV visit transactions from the EVV vendors.

  • The EVV Aggregator allows review of top rejection issues and percent of rejections by vendor and provider.

EVV Portal

The EVV Portal is an online system that allows users to perform searches and view reports associated with the EVV visit data in the EVV Aggregator.

Benefits of the EVV Portal

Program providers, financial management services agencies (FMSAs), managed care organizations (MCOs), and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) are able to search, view, print, and export the following:

  •  EVV visit data (accepted and rejected EVV visit transactions)
  •  EVV visit transaction to EVV claim line items matching results
  •  Provider identification data

 Users can:

  • View EVV visit transactions ready for billing.
  •  Access standard EVV reports and run queries on EVV visit data.
  •  Check the status and identify reasons for rejection of submitted EVV visit transactions.

Requesting EVV Portal Access

To access the EVV Portal, program providers and Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSA) must have a TMHP User Account.

Program provider and FMSA staff must contact their TMHP Provider Administrator to request EVV Portal access.

For full instructions, review the EVV Portal job aids on the EVV Learning Management System (LMS).

EVV Aggregator & EVV Portal Infographic

Click on graphic to enlarge:

EVV Aggregator Infographic